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Interior Design

Design Code satisfies the need of a style which you desire and with our skills combined we will allow for our creativity to play in the design enhancement and make your dream space come to life.


About Us

At Design Code we thrive to craft excellence through paying careful attention to detail.


Overview of Services

Concept Interior Design:

An idea. A visual idea. A rough sketch that is slowly developed through a process and several interactions.

Detail Design and Feasibility Studies. 

Working closely with manufacturers and certification professionals as well as production experts during the
detail phase to develop the initial design to its highest level of detail.

Design Management Service: 

The designer transforms the project from concept to finale re-delivery to our client, championing a seamless
Integration of all phases of the design process. We will ensure the highest quality end result of our interior by working closely with professionals.


Services Include


- Site Survey

show major existing features of your site (natural & built), ground levels over the site & along the boundary lines.


- Conceptualize

the notion or image that we conjure up when we think of some cluster of related observations or ideas.


- Space Planning

an in-depth analysis of how the space is to be used. The designer draws up a plan that defines the zones of the space

- Research

to better understand the underlying and sometimes hidden desires, needs, and challenges of end users


-3D Design Reveal

the process of developing a mathematical coordinate-based representation of any surface of an object



Finishes are sub divided into floors, walls and ceilings. All internal & external surfaces need finishings 


- Project Management

The art of directing and coordinating human and material resources throughout the life of a project to ensure it comes to life

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